What it feels like floating on a board and traversing the cool waves leading you to the seashore? When speaking of Baler in Aurora, one thing comes in my mind: SURFING! I never tried it before so I was anxious if I'll ever dare to do this. (T_T). As I read various blogs about surfing, I found out that even fellow non-swimmers like me can do surfing with proper guidance. Convinced enough to try this floating-on-board skill, I mustered courage to have this once-in-a-lifetime chance.
That day came and we woke early at 6am to start surfing on its calm waters. My friends were wearing their rashguards and I'm the only one who wasn't. I thought I would be left out-of-place because they do have their surfing attire ready. I tried searching the flea market at the municipal plaza to buy a rashguard but there was nothing fit for me. I just accepted the fact that it would be hard for me to surf on a loose shirt.
We took some pictures before we surf. We were informed to pay Php300 each for surfboard rental and instructor for an hour who will teach us the beginner's surf. When I asked if they can lend me a rashguard, I got my hopes high! When they came back from their surf shop, someone brought a rashguard and it fits perfectly. Yippee! I won't be left out of place for pictures!.Ready to surf! (n_n)

We keenly listened on our your surfing instructors. First is to determine your surfing position on the board. The two kinds are called goofy and natural. If your first foot forward is the right foot, you're a goofy like me. Otherwise, you're a natural with left foot forward. You have to figure out which foot makes you balance. One tip is for someone to push you from behind and see which foot goes forward. Next is to get on the board on a push-up position. Both hands should be at the edge of the board. When the instructor signals 'Ready', you have to place you right foot (for goofy) on your left thigh in a push-up position. This means a wave will let you move toward the beach and with your palms facing down on the rails and your toes at the end of your board, push up using the strength in your shoulders and spring off your toes. That's the queue when you have to 'Balance' using you best foot forward. Make sure that you get in the center of the board or else you'll topple.

Time to get on the water and we lined up near the shore. We were rest assured that we'll bask only on the depth we can reach. A rope was tied on my left foot hewn to the board, as I'm a goofy. At first, it was really hard to balance on the board. You have to push harder to get up and surf your way to the shore. The lightness of the board makes it sway on the previously calm waters. As they say, "Patience is a virtue".
There were up and downs, and several attempts just to surf smoothly.
My friends tumbled repeatedly but I finally got on the board straight to the shore successfully! 
It seems that's what they call 'Beginner's luck'. Lucky me!
I joyously wave my hands up in every good attempts I made. Going back to the waters, surfing then bring the board was tedious and tiring, but the feeling of floating gloriously on the light board was priceless! What a feeling! (n_n)
After an hour we thanked our instructors and bid goodbye. I added extra as I was very victorious that day. I felt I won the surfing race among the six of us. I heard compliments that I made most of my time surfing and they thought I wore a lucky rashguard. Hihi! Final shot with our boards.
At our trip back to Manila we got hangover as we plan on our next surfing escapade. Though we had aching shoulders, backpains and battered legs, the feeling we had was awesome. We never thought that we can't surf but we did! 'Til next time! (n_n)